5 Signs of Possible Daycare Negligence
If you utilize the services of a daycare facility, it is certainly with the implicit trust that your child’s safety is made a priority. However, many children suffer neglect in daycare facilities every year, and this neglect can lead to not only physical injury, but emotional and psychological harm as well. If you are able to identify daycare negligence early, you can intervene to limit the harm done and to hold a negligent facility or staff accountable.
If your son or daughter has been the victim of neglect in a child care center, you may be able to seek financial compensation to address related damages. To learn more about your legal rights and options in this upsetting situation, contact the Denver injury attorneys of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., by calling (303) 423-1770 to discuss your case with a compassionate yet aggressive legal representative.
Signs of Negligence
Although negligence may be more difficult to detect than outright physical abuse, there are some telling signs that may indicate that you should have reason to be concerned. Some common signs of neglect in daycare facilities include:
- Inexplicable scratches / scars
- Your child appears withdrawn
- Extreme hunger / thirst
- Frequent altercations with other children
- A child being found outside of the facility
Contact Us
If you suspect that your child has suffered neglect at the hands of a child care provider, contact the experienced North Denver child injury lawyers of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., at (303) 423-1770 today.