A Los Angeles Superior Court judge recently settled the divorce between 55-year old actor Mel Gibson and his first wife, Robyn Moore. The couple filed for divorce in 2009 but had yet to come to decisions on how to divide their property.
Gibson is estimated to be worth around $900 million. In addition, he owns an island in Fiji, a ranch in Costa Rica, and three homes in Malibu. Details of the divorce have yet to be released but finalized papers are scheduled to be ready in August.
Gibson and Moore were married for 28 years and have 7 children together. They filed for divorce after separating in 2006.
If you or someone you know has questions about divorce and property division, contact the Denver property division lawyers of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C. at (303) 423-1770 and set up an appointment to meet with one of our experienced family law attorneys.