The Two Most Frequent Personal Injury Claims

The Two Most Frequent Personal Injury Claims - Hull and Zimmerman

When we’re going through our usual daily routine we rarely think about getting injured.  When headed to get coffee before work, you probably aren’t thinking you may get rear-ended at the light.  When you go to your job site, you’re most likely not assuming a piece of equipment is going to fall on you. 

The fact is though, these things do happen.  And when they do it may be your fault, but sometimes the fault lies elsewhere.  

So, how do you know if you have a justifiable personal injury claim?  Today, we’re going to tell you about the two most frequently pursued personal injury claims that we see.

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Distracted Driving and Injuries

Distracted Driving and Injuries - Hull and Zimmerman

Most of us don’t think much about getting behind the wheel of a car, we just do it and assume the best, because more often than not, we arrive where we’re going without incident.  However, as we all know, that’s not always the case.  And with the constant rise of smartphone use, the odds of being injured by a distracted driver are also on the rise.  

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Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney for a Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Claim

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney for a Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) ClaimComplex Regional Pain (CRPS), sometimes called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), is a painful condition that can occur throughout the body due to injury or illness brought on by the debilitated peripheral or central nervous system.  

When a person experiences CRPS the pain is oftentimes overwhelming and can lead to loss of work, exercise, and usual daily activities and routine.  A personal injury attorney can help in these very serious cases.

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The Most Common Construction Worker Injuries

Construction Worker Injuries

Construction workers work in dangerous conditions daily. Oftentimes there’s heavy, moving machinery and several people doing various jobs. These things contribute to a chaotic atmosphere that’s prime for accidents. Strict working guidelines and regulations have been developed for this industry because worker safety needs to be a priority.  

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Hydroplaning Accidents in Colorado

Hydroplaning Accidents in Colorado

Spring is in the air and all of us who live in Colorado know what that means… We’ll experience every season in the next couple of months: winter, spring, summer, and fall.  We may have a high of 75 with loads of sun on Monday and Tuesday will bring sleet, then snow, then rain.  

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Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit Questions Answered

Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit Questions Answered - Hull & Zimmerman PCWhen a loved one has been killed due to the negligence of another, emotions run high.  It can be very difficult for families to deal with all of the legalities and specifics that go into a wrongful death lawsuit.  

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Four Leading Causes of Semi Truck Crashes in Colorado

Four Leading Causes of Semi Truck Crashes in Colorado

With the beautiful mountains of Colorado, come some pretty turbulent driving conditions, especially for the truckers.  It wasn’t too long ago a semi truck driver on I-70 in Golden lost control, causing a fiery accident that killed four surrounding drivers and injured several others.

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Tips for Being a Safe and Smart Pedestrian in Colorado

Tips for Being a Safe and Smart Pedestrian in Colorado

Colorado has become a very pedestrian-friendly state, especially in the Denver metro area.  Bikes and motorized scooters are commonly used in the busy downtown areas of Colorado, and walkers are ever present.  So, how do pedestrians stay safe in those car-congested areas? By being smart.

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Powerful Results

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Our personal injury attorneys have decades of experience defending the rights of injured Coloradans, and use their vast legal knowledge to offer you zealous and unmatched representation. We understand how important your lawsuit is to you, and we are dedicated to handling your claim with the compassion you expect. Located in beautiful Northglenn Colorado, we proudly serve the North Denver communities including but not limited to Westminster, Thornton, Commerce City, Arvada & Broomfield.