Several types of negligence and mistakes before and during a child’s birth can cause cerebral palsy. Every year, about 8,000 newborns develop cerebral palsy.
Cerebral palsy that is caused by a birth injury is most often caused by a head injury during the newborn’s delivery. One of the most common reasons head trauma occurs is if the baby is not positioned correctly. In addition, if a doctor or other member of a hospital’s staff places too much pressure on the infant’s head or neck during a delivery, the child could suffer serious injury resulting in cerebral palsy.
Instruments used in delivery like forceps and vacuums can injure the baby’s head and brain. Also, if the umbilical chord becomes wrapped around a child’s neck or a C-section is not ordered in a timely manner, an infant is at greater risk of oxygen deprivation and brain injury.
Contact the Denver birth injury lawyers of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C. at (303) 423-1770, if your child was injured before, during, or shortly after their delivery due to a doctor or hospital’s negligence.