This weekend, a driver and passenger were injured in a rollover accident in between Lyons and Longmont on Colorado Highway 66, according to the Colorado State Patrol.
The two injured people, both aged 26-years old, were traveling in a 1995 GMC Sierra in the westbound lanes of the freeway. The car accident occurred at around 6:15 a.m. close to 63rd Street.
For an unknown reason, the GMC Sierra veered off the left side of the highway and continued into an embankment off the side of the road. The vehicle rolled at least 1.5 times and struck a tree in the process.
The passenger was ejected from the vehicle in the rollover accident and suffered serious injuries. Both the driver, who incurred minor injuries, and the passenger were taken to Longmont United Hospital. The passenger was later transferred to Denver Health Medical Center.
To speak with an attorney about injuries you or a loved one has suffered in a car accident, contact the Denver accident lawyers of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C. by calling (303) 423-1770 today.