Sexual Assault Lawyer
When you drop your child off at school or with a caretaker, you expect that he or she is safe and that the adults in charge will protect your child’s safety to the best of their ability. Sadly, though, sometimes children become the victims of sexual assault in schools or babysitting situations. Sexual assault is generally defined as illegal sexual contact with a person who has not consented to the contact, or who is unable to consent due to age or incapacity, or who has put their faith in the responsible adult, such as a family friend or schoolteacher.
If your precious child has been sexually assaulted, you can help prevent this mistreatment in the future by fighting back against the perpetrator. The skilled Denver school and playground injuries lawyers at Hull & Zimmerman, P.C., understand the emotional and physical toll that victims of sexual assault face, and we are dedicated to helping our clients earn compensation for sustained injuries. Call us today at (303) 423-1770.