Brain Injury Attorneys
It is estimated that more than 1.7 million Americans sustain some form of brain injury each year. Sadly, over 50,000 of those people will die from their traumatic brain injury, and another 80,000 will suffer long-term disabilities. Up to 70% of all traumatic brain injuries are the result of a car accident.
While some of these brain injuries occur as mild concussions, others are catastrophic, leading to permanent brain damage. Traumatic brain injury victims may not be able to return to work, enjoy their hobbies, or even care for themselves independently. Money will be needed to help families learn to adapt to their loved ones injury, pay medical expenses, and provide for their families.
The Center for Disease Control estimates that the total cost of acute care associated with traumatic brain injuries costs the United States nearly $10 Billion a year. This is only the cost associated with acute medical care and rehabilitation. It does not factor into account lost wages, lost productivity, and retrofitting a home to make it handicap accessible. If you were to combine some of these direct costs with the indirect costs, the costs are staggering. Brain injuries cost victims in the United States more than $76 billion each year.
But what does that mean for you and your family? Initial cost projections for a brain injury average $162,000 for the first several weeks of hospitalization and skilled nursing care. Rehabilitation for another 2 weeks can cost up to $60,000. Sadly, most traumatic brain injury victims don’t recover so quickly. They may need months and even years of therapy and rehabilitation to learn to walk, talk, and care for themselves again. It is estimated that traumatic brain injury victims need at least $1.8 million throughout their lifetime simply to cover the enormous expenses.