A study conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration suggests that as more planes operate with flight automation, more and more pilots are losing their ability to fly planes without the aid of automated systems.
“We’re seeing a new breed of accident with these state-of-the-art planes. We’re forgetting how to fly,” says the co-chair of an FAA committee on pilot training.
According to the International Air Transport Association, “loss of control” is the most common cause of airplane crashes. Most often, these accidents occur when a pilot is unable to manually control the plane.
The study warns that opportunities for pilots to train in manually operating an aircraft without an automated system are decreasing. Furthermore, today, many regulators and airlines advise pilots not to operate planes manually and to never turn off the automated system.
If you or someone you love has been injured in an airplane crash, contact the Denver airplane accident lawyers of Hull & Zimmerman, P.C. at (303) 423-1770 and set up an appointment to meet with one of our experienced injury attorneys.