The city of Boulder typically has more than 3,000 traffic collisions a year, with those collisions resulting in an average of 60 serious injuries and seven to ten fatalities. When an auto accident occurs, lives are often derailed—a death from an auto accident takes a loved one away from his or her family, cutting short a life, while a serious injury can prevent the injured person from returning to work, making a living, or even living a life that is remotely close to what it was prior to the accident.
Motorcycle accidents are typically much more devastating than automobile accidents, primarily due to the fact that a motorcyclist has none of the protections afforded those inside an automobile, surrounded by steel and glass, not to mention airbags and safety belts. Consider the following motorcycle accident…
More than 37,000 people die on America’s roadways each year as the result of a car accident, with an additional 2.35 million being injured or disabled. Of those who die as the result of a car accident, 1,600 are children under the age of 15, and 8,000 are between the ages of 16 and 20. Despite the fact that there are roughly 6 million car crashes in the United States each year (including everything from minor parking lot bump-ins to serious and deadly car collisions) we still know relatively little about car accidents.
Tensing up before an accident – help or hurt? Is there really any research or evidence that will give us a clear answer?
Unless you are in a car accident where you clearly see a vehicle coming towards you, you will not have time to brace yourself. It’s also been said that an intoxicated driver doesn’t sustain significant injuries because they don’t tense up before an accident. And yet for those of us who have experienced the aftermath of a vehicle injury, we know our bodies hurt for several days, even if “significant injuries” don’t seem to be present.
So, does tensing up before an accident help or hurt?
Programming a Navigation System While Driving More Dangerous Than Texting According to New Study
Although most of us believe the most dangerous distraction is a cell phone—programming a navigation system while drivingwhether talking or texting—there are a whole gamut of built-in features in new cars which are so distracting, they should not be enabled while the vehicle is moving. Psychology professor David Strayer with the University of Utah has extensively studied built-in car features such as SatNav, radios, MP3 players as well as cell phones and messaging devices.
A car accident can be truly traumatic, leaving you injured, both physically and mentally. While many of us like to think celebrities lead charmed lives, in fact, celebrities have car accidents just like the rest of us. Some of those car accidents are deadly, while others result in minor to severe injuries. Some of the celebrities who have survived car crashes include the following:
Car Accident Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making
A car accident can be a frightening ordeal. In the hours and days after a car accident, the steps you take can significantly affect your ability to file a claim and collect compensation. Yet, far too many accident victims make critical mistakes that they don’t even realize they’re making. These car accident mistakes can be costly.
Labor Day Weekend Travel Safety Tips
Of all the things you routinely do every day, driving is likely the most dangerous one. In the blink of an eye, everything could change for you and your family. You could be seriously injured or even killed, not only because of another person’s negligence – but also because of mistakes you made behind the wheel. Believe it or not, there are ways you can significantly increase the likelihood of surviving a car accident. What you do behind the wheel IS important. Before you take to the roadways for the upcoming holiday, consider these Labor Day Weekend travel safety tips:
New Texting Law in Colorado Raises Concerns
It is hard to imagine that, as widespread as the data which proves the dangers of texting and driving is, that lawmakers would pass a bill making it legal to text and drive. Interestingly, a new texting law in Colorado raises those exact concerns. While signs above Colorado highways warn drivers that “New texting law fines increased to $300,” what the signs fail to mention is that texting while driving in Colorado is now legal—so long as you don’t text in a “careless or imprudent” manner.
The Top 10 Causes of Car Accidents
With summer in full swing, there are more people out on the roadways, and more teen drivers going here and there, enjoying their vacation. Unfortunately, every year more than 37,000 individuals will lose their lives in a car accident, and another two million will suffer injuries—from minor to disabling. More than 1,600 of the annual automobile deaths will be children, under the age of 15, and more than 8,000 of the deaths will be young adults between the ages of 16 and 20. Perhaps you are wondering about what causes these accidents. Following are the top 10 causes of car accidents: